Friday, June 28, 2013

A Few Of My Favorite Things {Beauty Basics}

I may be a day late but I'm excited to link up with Across the Hall in 2nd Grade for the Favorite Things Linky for Beauty Basics.

I'm no beauty expert but I do have some favorites I couldn't live without!

Out of all the mascara's I've tried Maybelline is the best. Cheap and works great! I like the lash blast/lash exact kind best.

This primer rocks and really makes my eye shadow last longer. It's not super cheap, but one tube lasts a  VERY long time.

Call me old school but I love the smell of the Dove beauty bar. Doesn't hurt that it's ultra cheap too. :)

I have my mom to thank for my dirty blonde hair. I've never had my hair colored in any way. My mom is in her 50's and hasn't colored her hair either and she still has the most beautiful highlights and NO gray. I'm hoping that my hair color will continue to be just like hers! I also have some natural blonde highlights and in the summer my hair gets even lighter. I love this conditioner because it really brings out the blonde and it smells like pineapple - amazing! I was super excited when I scored a huge bottle at  Ross for a deal!

My hair is cuh-razy! It's naturally curly and thick but it's completely unpredictable. I usually straighten it. This hair dryer is my life saver. Regular hair dryers seriously take FOREVER to dry my hair and leave me sweating all over again. The solia dries my hair in about 5ish minutes and leaves it less frizzy. I also use the solia hair straightener and it's amazing. I've got the straightening part down to a science and can do it in less than 15 minutes. If you ever want to order hair stuff, go to They have great deals!

The last few faves are from my Birchbox. Have you heard of Birchbox? It's a monthly subscription to a box full of beauty samples and goods. I love getting mine every month - it's my treat to myself and it is SO worth it! If you're interested in getting your own Birchbox click through here and you can help me earn points. :)
This exfoliator is the best! The beads are super tiny but really leave my face feeling clean and brighter. After I went through my sample size I had to order a full size one from Birchbox because it's that good!

This stuff is great! It's an eye-shadow, highlighter, bronzer in one. I use it as my everyday eye-shadow. It's easy to apply with your finger or a brush and the color gives my eyes a much needed wake up. I'm still using my small sample size after about 6 months of use. 

Sometimes I feel like my hair has too much gunk in it. This clarifying shampoo is perfect and it smells really good!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Few Of My Favorite Things {Morning Must Haves}

I'm linking up with Across the Hall in 2nd for the These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things linky. The first edition is morning must haves.

I should start of by saying that I am NOT a morning person. I wake up to my iphone alarm on vibrate. I can't stand any sound that early. I hear the vibrating noise since my phone is on my nightstand. And I quickly shut it off for some snooze time. It's an awful habit, I know but I can't seem to beat it. :)

I'm not perfect makeup applier but I do love this primer from Ulta. I put one squirt on and let it sit for a few minutes while I work on my hair and then put on my makeup. It really helps my look last longer. 

I don't drink caffeine but every now and then I swing by the Dunkin Donuts drive through and grab an iced decaf mocha. So so yummy!

Once I'm in the car I need some jams to wake me up. My commute is short but I still need to get my brain going. I either listen to CD's or switch between my favorite country and variety radio stations. I should not that when I say switch I truly mean "avoid all commercials". I can't stand radio commercials! So lame!

What are your morning must haves?

Happy Summer!!!

Sorry I've been MIA for a bit. The end of the school year is always crazy for me as I'm trying to pack SO much in at school plus lots of travel for me. I've now been out for 2 weeks and it has been GLORIOUS. I only get a month since I'm year round but I have been busy having fun!

I thought I'd do a little catch up with some end of year school things with pictures.

I found these cute folders at Kmart and decided to use them to organize papers. My school is using MCREL next year for assessments and we had training the last month of school. I wanted to make sure I had a safe place to keep all of my notes.

We released our butterflies. This is an awful picture but it's always such a special moment. I often think of my kiddos as butterflies ready to fly away at the end of the year. 

I love the sweet things they give me. One of my kiddos gave me this for the end of year/my birthday. 

Isn't this school supply tower so neat? I love it! It's so practical and pretty too!

That's all for now! Check back tomorrow for more about what I've been doing during my track out!