Thursday, December 29, 2011

Money, Money, Money

Anyone else singing the song when they read that title? Ok, good! :)
The other day at Staple's I found this play money and coins in their dollar section. Add to that I was using the "everything in this bag is 15% off" deal and I was super excited! I bought a few packs of each.
Today I felt inspired to create some money themed games for my kiddos. I don't currently have any money games out in my math games except for a set of flashcards. I decided to use one set of the coins to make a kaboom game. All I did was hot glue some coins to popsicle sticks.
I also wrote "Kaboom" on about 5 sticks.

Then all of the sticks went face down into a pringles can that i cut down to size. The game is super easy to play. (There are lots of Kaboom games out there in bloggy land.) Kids play in groups of 2-4. When it's your turn you pull out a stick. You add the coin values and tell the amount. If your partner or group members agree with you, you get to keep the stick. If you pull a Kaboom stick you have to put all of your sticks back in the cup. :(
I added some scrapbook paper and a fancy little label and voila, math game success!

I also made my very first, I made it math game!!! Yay me! It's called Show Me the Money and involves the kids using plastic coins to show how they would "buy" items. I got the idea from the Debbie Diller Math book. I just wanted a prettier recording sheet than the one in her book :)

To download the show me the money recording sheet, click HERE.
To download the show me the money directions, click HERE.

I'm happy to share these as a freebie with everyone but I do love comments and followers. :) Enjoy!


  1. Very cute! We play a game like this but call it Bankrupt! I love the Dr. Jean song about money and the Shel Silverstein poem....oh, my mind just went blank on the name of it! I just found your blog and am excited to be your newest follower! I would love for you to come by my blog if you get a chance!

    Heather's Heart

  2. Love the Kaboom game! I will have to see if my Staples has the coins too! Thanks for sharing!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  3. Cute idea to do with this. I have these from Staples! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Loved this and will be making this...I'm also a second grade teacher.

  5. I love this! Thank you so very much! We are starting it tomorrow! I just so happen to have play money laying around at home and I am making it on my MLK day off! First grade teacher here!

  6. Great idea!! Thanks so much for sharing. I made 2 for my classroom and 1 for my son's Kinder class. The kids love it!!

  7. Love these games! Thanks for sharing!! I'm your newest follower!

  8. How have I missed Kaboom? Thanks for this post! (I found you on Pinterest!:)

    Sally from ElementaryMatters

  9. Thank you so much for sharing! I look forward to using these games in the upcoming year.

  10. I love this idea of a moving game center!! I also love the labels for the different math games. Do you have those posted somewhere to download,too? Thanks!! :)

  11. I love the Kaboom game!! We just started money, totally stealing! I also saw that you got approved for your first grant, Congrats! I was recently looking into writing some grants to get lots of stuff for my kiddos! It makes it nice to be able to see that teachers actually do get them, rather than a school or district! I'm so gonna try!

    I'm a new blogger but hope you will check me out and let me know what you think :)

    Primary Teacherhood

  12. This is fantastic! Thank you! Now following you here and on TPT. :)

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  14. I just had some leadership students make the Kaboom game for me with my set of plastic coins and I can't wait to play this tomorrow with my Life Skills students since we are learning about money. I know they will love it thank you!
