Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Giveaway Winner

Hey Friends! Sorry this is so late in coming. Sadly my Grandpa passed away on Saturday. My family has been busy making arrangements as we mourn his passing but celebrate his life.

And the winner is.......

Congratulations Ashley! I'll be sending you the Math Story Problem Book! If you didn't win you can still go get yourself a copy for only $3.00.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Hopefully next week after I return from the funeral I can get back to sharing some things that are going on in my classroom now!


  1. so sorry to hear about your grandfather! Glad to hear you are celebrating his life as I know how hard that can be.

    On another note, I'm super excited I won :) Yay :) Take your time sending and spend time with the fam! Prayers to you and your family.


  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

    Darling Little Learners
