Monday, October 21, 2013

My Truth about Fitness

The lovely Denise from Sunny Days is hosting a fun new linky party every Monday. The series is called My Truth Monday and each Monday will focus on a new topic. This week's topic is fitness.

Fitness and I are slowly becoming better friends. Two years ago I joined the local YMCA and started going to classes and LOVED it. I finally felt like I found a place where I could work out where everyone was so kind and encouraging. Sadly a few months after I joined I was in a bad car accident. It was a setback but in the end I think it's given me a healthier outlook on life. After finishing physical therapy for my neck last fall, I began going back to the gym again. I haven't always been consistent but I'm trying to get motivated and keep going. I recently joined a small group weight loss/training group at the Y and I love it! We work out 2 days a week together with an awesome trainer who pushes us to do our best. I'm excited to continue on this journey to a healthier me!


  1. I can relate to an injury being a setback. I dislocated my knee literally right after I started running again. It was so frustrating! Best of luck on your health journey! I know how tough it is, but there is a great pay-off!

    I can't believe I've never looked through your blog before! I love your ideas and look forward to reading your posts in the future.

    Seconds at the Beach

  2. في عيادة الدكتور حامد قدري افضل دكتور تجميل انف فى مصر نوفر لك كل ما تحتاجه للوصول إلى الشكل الجذاب الذي تحلم به، والوصول للشكل المثالي لتناغم وتناسق الأنف مع الوجه، وحل مشكلات التنفس في حال انحراف الحاجز الأنفي وكذلك نوفر عملية ترميم الأنف وفلسفتنا دائما هي الحفاظ على الأهداف الوظيفية للأنف والحفاظ على تناسقه مع الوجه
