Sunday, March 30, 2014

2nd Grade Product Swap Blog Hop

Welcome to the second grade product swap and blog hop!  EIGHTEEN wonderful second grade bloggers have joined together to swap and review each other's products.  Best of all, we are giving away all of the products to one lucky winner!  

If you are looking for the start of the hop, head over to see Casey at SecondGrade Math Maniac to start hopping.  As you check out all the fabulous products, make sure to follow each blog on Bloglovin' as well.  There will be a Rafflecopter at the last stop.  This is where you can enter to win all of the products being reviewed!

I had the amazing privilege of swapping with Tracey from The Teacher's Chair. First of all, you need to head on over and check out her blog! It is adorable and chock full of great resources and ideas!

I received Tracey's Measuring Cats and Dogs pack. It is perfect as we are preparing to start measurement soon. I always am looking for ways to make measurement engaging and fun and this hit the spot!

Here are a few things I LOVE about this unit:

1. Tracey not only covers measuring but addition and subtraction. This is great as my kiddos ALWAYS need addition and subtraction practice, especially in the context of problem solving.

2. Key Math vocabulary is used consistently throughout the unit. As the students measure the cats, dogs and other fun items they are challenged to compare the items using comparison words.

3. IT IS ADORABLE! Seriously, this unit is so fun! I know my kiddos are going to have a blast measuring the cats, dogs and accessories. All of the activities are highly engaging!

4. It matches up perfectly with common core. Tracey has aligned the problems and activities to go with 2nd grade common core math standards. 

Head on over to Tracey's store, The Teacher's Chair, to grab this AWESOME unit! You won't be disappointed!

Also, don't forget to keep following the hop so you can enter to win 18 fantastic second grade products!

Click the button below to head over to The Price of Teaching. 


  1. Hi Julie! Thanks so much for the great post! I loved your product too! My kids want to pen pal with your class. Maybe we can make that happen?
    Tracey :)
    The Teacher’s Chair
    Find me on Facebook!Share the Bloglovin’!

  2. So cute!! I love anything with cats and dogs on it. The vocabulary and bar model is perfect! Great review! :)

  3. Oh, awesome sauce - vocabulary, comparing adjectives, and measurement is all together in this!

  4. This IS adorable!! Who wouldn't want to measure cats and dogs! I love how you pointed out the vocabulary piece, SO important! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac

  5. I love this! I love the bar model and the dogs are just too cute. Another one for the cart.

    Mrs, Rios Teaches Second Grade

  6. Hi Julie,

    Thanks for participating! My students are doing measurement right now (with their math teacher though, not me) and I know they would love this especially because of the cuteness.

    Literacy Spark

  7. Great review Julie! I think that measurement products are harder to come by than any other math skill. This one will have to make it into my cart! Reading through others' comments, I just had to smile when I saw that your class might become pen pals with Tracey's class because the last product swap that I was involved in, my kids wanted to do the same thing with the other product swap are writing our letters and hoping to send them off this week! Don't you just love the collaborating that goes on with these swaps?
    Mrs. Olson’s Lucky Little Learners

  8. Hi Julie! I've awarded your blog the Sunflower Blogger Award! Here's the post about it. Happy Summer!
