Stephanie from Teaching in Room 6 is hosting a Linky Party about your favorite "Go To" teacher book. It's hard for me to narrow it down to just one, so I thought I'd share a few!

Another book that helped me my first year is The Morning Meeting Book by Roxann Kriete. One of my sweet coworker's loaned this to me the first year. I had been doing "Calendar" time in the morning and thought that was enough. She introduced me to Morning Meeting and I've been a firm follower ever since. I really can tell a difference in my kids based on if we start with Morning Meeting or not. It's a great way to greet each other, build social skills and friendships, do some learning and most of all have fun! Oh the stories I could tell you from "share time" during Morning Meeting. (Side note: I had a kiddo do a magic trick as his share the other week. It was awesome! When asked how he did it his answer simply was "A magician NEVER reveals his secrets." Precious!)

Last but not least, is 32 Third Graders and One Class Bunny by Phillip Done. I would never make it as a teacher if I took everything seriously. This book is a great reminder of that! Full of stories from his teaching career, Phillip Done will have you laughing, smiling, and maybe even shedding a tear or two. And if you love it as much as I did, you'll quickly read his second book, Close Encounters of the Third Grade Kind.
If you have a good teacher book or too, head on over to Teaching in Room 6 and Link Up!