Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Open House & Getting Organized

A few weeks ago I had Open House for the upcoming school year. I know it seems early but my "track" has ours early right before we track out. Pinterest inspired me this year to try some new things for Open House. Our Open House is basically a Meet the Teacher night where parents and kids stop by, meet their child's new teacher, check out the classroom and get a supply list/information for the new year.

The weekend before Open House I was a busy bee at home making some things. I made my coworker and I new signs with our names on them. I am in LOVE with the dots on turquoise/paisley decorations. This poster was clipped to my easel and put in the hallway to let parents know which room I am in.

 I saw a glow stick idea on pinterest and made a quick little note to go with it. 

 I was so excited about my wish list/giving tree. I put it up on the door and actually even made it look like a tree. Only problem was NO ONE SAW IT. Since the door was open and people were constantly coming in and out no one really saw the door and I was so slammed meeting parents I didn't have a chance to direct them towards it. I was kind of disappointed in that I didn't think it through but oh well I saved the apples to have out at parent night.

 Here are my student information folders. They contain a letter to the parents, a letter to the students, a supply list and information for the parents to fill out and send back the first week of school.

I also have the parents stop and write a little encouraging note to their child. I call them "shine on notes". I put them on each child's desk on the first day of school. The kids love them!

While I was on the creating kick I decided to work on a few organizational things as well. I use plastic drawers to organize papers. I simply added some paisely border behind them and they look so much cuter!

 And I had to make the teacher toolbox from Create Teach Share. It's perfect since I try not to store these things in my desk drawer since I have to move every 9 weeks.

I can't believe I'm already planning and organizing for the new school year! 


  1. Love everything about your open house, especially the glow stick, the parent folder, and the shine note! :)
    Stories From Second

  2. I'm your newest follower! Love all your organization!
    Mel D
    Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations

  3. You have some realllllly cute ideas! I have seen the wish tree before but now I'm definitely going to do it at our open house in August! Thanks for some great ideas!

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  4. great ideas! I'm a new follower!

  5. I love the star and pen.I’m your newest follower. Please check out my blog if you get a chance. Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.


  6. Hi there! I've awarded you the One Lovely Blog award :) Fee free to stop by to pick it up!


    The Quirky Apple

  7. So glad I found your blog!!!I am now following you. I just started blogging, thanks for the inspiration :)

    Participate in my first giveaway!

  8. I just found your blog on Pinterest! I LOVE it:) I also believe you are a Wake County teacher??? am I correct? I used to teach in year round in Wake so as soon as I read your post about moving rooms and the tracks, I just knew! Or think I know:)

    Come check my blog out!

    Tonya’s Treats for Teachers

    1. You guessed right! It's definitely not a popular thing at all! Can't wait to check out your blog, thanks for stopping by!

    2. I also noticed the LARGE movable carts...I hated those things! What school are you at?

  9. I love the parent note!

    2nd Grade Teacher

  10. just started blogging, thanks for the inspiration :)
    cool math for kids

  11. Thanks for sharing. I think I might try the list/giving tree.

  12. What do you do for the kids whose parents don't come and write them a note? Just curious?

    1. I always write a note to the ones whose parents do not come. :)
