Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back To School

Yep, I'm already back to school for a new year! In year round we start our new school year in beginning of July. But before you start to feel sorry for me remember that I just had 4 weeks off which is one week longer than my usual 3 weeks. It was fantastic!

I don't even know where to start with this blog - so many ideas, so many great things I've found, phew! Also I took pictures of my classroom at the end of my last workday but they were taken with my phone and are no good. Boo that! So instead I'll share some things I'm loving so far about this year:

1. I'm loving Whole Brain Teaching. Yep I've joined the WBT bandwagon! I did my research over my break and watched a ton of youtube videos. So far it's going great! Class? Yes! is such an easy and quick way to get my kids attention and they are loving the scoreboard. I'm also loving mirror and teach okay. I feel already that my lessons are becoming much more interactive and engaging. The kids are gesturing, talking, and moving. It's awesome! I still feel like I have a lot to learn with WBT but I'm taking it slowly with my comfort level. One of my favorite examples of WBT is this video below. I love how engaged her students are but how it's not a LOUD screaming classroom. I can't handle that!

2. I'm loving the new school supplies. Anyone else have to seriously avoid the back to school section at target and walmart? If I go there I WILL find something and I WILL think of a reason I must have it!
I made this little "Where Am I?" board after seeing it on Pinterest here. Love it! 

3. A little more sleep! My school is starting 45 minutes later this year. While this means my afternoons seem to stretch on a bit more I'm liking the mornings. I'm still getting to school way before I have to be there but I'm getting a bit more sleep and having some quiet time in my classroom in the morning to get things done!

4. Pinterest - Goodness gracious I was pinning it up over break. Even at the beach on vacation! If you aren't following me on Pinterest you should - especially my "Beginning of the Year" board. Lots of great ideas - many that I have already used!

5. Blog world! Seriously YOU all rock! I have found so many awesome ideas from YOU! Also I love the blog comments! Sorry that I definitely not the best blogger ever about posting frequently but thank you to those of you who stick around and share some love!


  1. I love your "Where Am I" Board!! How did you make the numbers and what is the board made of?

  2. I love your "Where Am I" Board!! How did you make the numbers and what is the board made of?

  3. What did you use for the base of your "Where Am I" board?

  4. Great idea! I really want to make one for my classroom....can you please share how you made it??


  5. Just found your blog and am happy to have another 2nd grade blog to follow! :) I, too, am jumping into WBT for the first time when school starts back! That video was the one that caught my eye!

    Teaching Maddeness

  6. I would also love a tutorial on your "where am I" board!!!

  7. Also loving your blog and adding to the number of requests for instructions on your 'Where Am I board'. It's absolutely DARLING!!!

    And, I can't go into Wal-Mart without buying school supplies either and I don't start till the 22n of August! :D

    Thanks so much!

  8. Did you get the board for your "Where Am I" board at Walmart? I think I bought the same board the other day but a different color. Would love to know how you made it as well!

  9. Love this idea! How did you make your Where Am I board? What materials were used?

  10. Hey Ladies, sorry I haven't replied sooner it's been a busy first week! I just made a post on how I made the board. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy!

  11. Sorry to be daft, but I have looked for a while....where did you post the directions for your awesome Where Am I board?

    1. Hey Anonymous,
      I found to directions to making the board. It is on the right side of her blog under Blog Archive. She named it the "student tracker board". It looks real easy to make.

  12. thank you for putting that WBT episode up. I teach spec. needs students and am going to try some of what he does. Not sure all will work but I like a lot of what he does.

  13. Can I ask you how you made that "Who's in the room?" board? Is that duct tape or fabric tape? What size is the cookie sheet and where did you purchase? How did you make the #'s and what did you use for magnets? Thank you so much!!
    Sherry Rich

    1. Hi Sherry,
      I did a post on how I made the "Who's in the room?" board. Check it out here: http://secondgradestyle.blogspot.com/2012/07/i-made-it-student-tracker-board.html
      Thanks for stopping by!
