Saturday, February 9, 2013

Five for Friday

It's Friday again! Time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday.

Edit: I really did start this post on Friday this time. But then due to some technical difficulties including my phone sending gray images instead of the pictures I took and my computer driving me nutso, I had to take a break from it all. :)

1. I introduced Christina Bainbridge's Partner Reading Party activities. This is just what my kiddos needed to amp up Read to Someone. I will admit that Read to Someone has never been my favorite part of Daily 5 because it's so easy for them to get off task and not actually be reading. With these materials I have seen a huge increase in on task reading behaviors and I love hearing their conversations! I have all the materials each partner pair needs in a cute little basket.

 2. I posted before about how we started letter writing - here's my cute little mailbox that the kiddos put their letters in. I got it years ago as part of an art set. They love to put their letters inside and then put the flag up.

3. As we move on in our Economy unit we started making the lovely Amber Polk's Economy Lapbook. I have to admit this is my first lapbook experience and I love it! I can't wait to use more! 

4. This week we finished our shape unit. I love teaching about shapes - so much fun and so much deep thinking! Here are our shape creation pictures - I think they are so stinking cute! The shape posters are FREE from 2nd Grade Math Maniac.

5. Yesterday was an Early Release day and we had staff development in the afternoon. We spent our time studying Disciplinary Literacy. After reading articles and watching videos each team had to post/share their findings using - an online corkboard/sticky note program. I fell in love with the website and all that you can do with it. My brain is buzzing thinking of ways to use it in my classroom. Here is my next story of the week with a few things that I will have my kiddos help me fill in.

That's it for now! Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)


  1. No worries...I've done my Five for Friday posts on Saturday too! I like that Partner Reading Party activity. Thanks for sharing!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Don't you just love Owen & Mzee? I love blog hopping through Five for Friday!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  3. It's okay, I did my Five for Friday on Saturday too. This Friday was our 100th day of school so I had written a post about it. Didn't want to double post so I wrote about Five for Friday but scheduled it to be posted on Saturday instead! Ha. :)

    Diary of a First Grade Teacher

  4. My kiddos love using our mailbox too!! Something about putting that flag in the upright position!

    I'll have to check out those reading activities by Christina Bainbridge...they sound like something I definitely need :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Across the Hall in 2nd Grade

  5. Those shape pictures are presh!
    The Hive

  6. Love your blog! Just started following you. I teach Second Grade also and don't like Read to Someone either.Will try some of your ideas!
