Friday, March 29, 2013

Five For Friday (Linky)

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five For Friday.

1. I was sick last week as I tracked in. Cough, sore throat, congestion and fever. Yuck, it was no fun! I was also in my dear friend Sarah's wedding on Saturday and I hated that I didn't feel good but I pulled through anyways. When I got home I found this on my bed from my roommate. I love elephants!

2. As we reviewed behavior and expectations as a class the kids voted on their scoreboard prize. I use the scoreboard technique from Whole Brain Teaching. To up the ante, I decided to have them choose a special prize to work towards. Every day that they win the scoreboard I mark a "win point" at the bottom of the scoreboard. When they get to 15 they will now get free time on the ipads (we have a school ipad cart that we can check out). (Please excuse the blurry picture!)

3. This week we read The True Story Of The 3 Little Pigs. What a fun book!
We also read an original version of the 3 little pigs and compared and contrasted the 2 stories. I had the kids use stickies to make a large venn diagram type chart. 

4. Every day we look at a word of the day (from our story of the week). This year I have used Kristen from Ladybug Teacher's Files' word rock organizer. Until now we even sang "Word Rock" - I just changed the lyrics of party rock to be more about words. Right before track out I decided that we needed a new song, we were all kind of tired of word rock. So now we are singing "Word on Fire" set to the tune of Alicia Keys' "Girl on Fire". For the chorus we all get out our air guitars and jam! It is the cutest and most hilarious thing ever!

5. I made some Spring Calendar Task Cards just in time for April. I put mine behind the date numbers in my calendar pocket chart and then the leader of the day takes the card out during morning meeting and answers the question or leads the class in the activity. They are a quick way to review previously taught concepts. Head on over to my TPT store to get yours for FREE. Happy Spring!

I hope everyone enjoys their long Easter weekend/spring break! 


  1. LOVE the sticky note chart! And you have a very sweet roommate! So glad I found your blog through the linky!

    1. Welcome Heidi! Thanks for coming on over! :)

  2. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs is one of my favorite books! Feel better!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. I found your blog through Doodle Bugs' linky. I really like that calendar idea. I might need to borrow that idea but bring it down to the kinder love. It would be a great end of the year review of concepts. Thanks for sharing!

    It's "OWL" Good in Kindergarten

  4. Thanks so much for linking up your cute calendar task cards!

    Teaching First
