Monday, April 1, 2013

Currently: April

I'm linking up with Farley for April's Currently.

Listening - I am so obsessed with the movie Pitch Perfect! I absolutely love it! I've watched it at least 5 times in the past 2 months. This weekend I found it at Target for $10 and immediately bought it. I also have the soundtrack and I listen to it over and over! 

Loving - I loved the long holiday weekend. I already had my track out a few weeks back so I'm not on Spring Break but a 3 day weekend was great! I got a lot of things done around the house, worked on some tpt projects, relaxed and celebrated Easter with my family and friends. I had 2 Easter meals yesterday and I thought I would never eat again I was so stuffed! (Wish the me from yesterday could convince the me of today of that!)

Thinking - It is definitely busy season! At school I'm trying to get my kiddos ready for some testing that's coming up, plan a field trip, get ready for our class play, and you know do the regular teaching, grading, planning, and more. I've also got a lot of events coming up, including throwing my best friend's baby shower in a few weeks. I'm so excited for it but I'm such a perfectionist with wanting everything to be super cute! 

Wanting - I didn't go anywhere during track out or the long weekend and I just really want to get away! I wish I could go somewhere tropical! I am going to the mountains in June so I'm excited for that but I still am thinking I need to plan a big vacay for sometime next year!

Needing - I was sick when we first tracked in with a nasty cold/infection/virus. I'm feeling much better but I'm still coughing and completely exhausted by the end of the day. And I haven't been able to go back to working out since I get out of breath so quickly - I miss my Zumba time!

Advice - I haven't been around blogging or tpt for very long but I can say that the teaching blog community is wonderful. I have truly loved meeting new people that are so kind and helpful. I also have learned that it's important to be a people person and interact with others. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love seeing what you are up to Currently... I need a stronger immune system, too! I think teachers should get Airborne for free during cold/flu season!

    Hello Mrs Sykes

  3. Wow! It looks like you have a ton of things coming up. Thank you for the great advice.


    Ms. Richards's Musings

  4. We love your true! Wish more people could think like that!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  5. Your advise is spot on, I've found. The teaching blogging community is so helpful and sharing. Love them all.

  6. I LOVE Pitch Perfect!! Awesome movie! Hope you can get back to your Zumba soon!

    Primary Teacherhood

    1. Alright Ashley with the fact that you love Pitch Perfect we can now be BFF's!!!! :)

  7. Hope you're all better by now. I'm your newest follower. Come by and visit my blog when you get a chance.

